Even if you would like to adapt the application to your needs or you'd like to contribute to Atlas, here are the steps to follow in order to make the application up and running:
First of all, prepare your development environment and ensure you have installed the following useful prerequisites:
Step 1: Go to .env configuration file from react-ui folder and set the following variables with your own values:
REACT_APP_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID: This should be the public identifier of Atlas
REACT_APP_IDENTITY_SCOPE: The list of scopes requested that will be present in the JWT token
REACT_APP_IDENTITY_AUTHORITY: The url to your Identity Server
REACT_APP_GQL: By default, the GQL Server runs on port 5000, but if that port will be changed, the new value must be configured here so the front-end application can communicate with the server side
REACT_APP_USE_NBB_MESSAGE: If you use the .Net Building Blocks for your messaging communication, which comes with its specific message structure, you would have to set this value to true, otherwise it will be false.
Step 2: Run the following commands to start the project