When building a service or any other application it is crucial to make it secure, besides token validation, there might be the need to limit access to certain fields, types or even endpoints. We can help you do this too.
To implement restriction rules we use graphql-shield. If you answered with true
to the "Implement authorization" question prompted at the beginning, there will be an example of permission checking included in this sample. (See src/middleware/permissions
In addition, we will include two constant files: src/contants/identityUserRoles.js
containing the default roles that comes from the Identity server and src/contants/permissions.js
that contains your defined application roles.
To define a new role, assuming it was already added in the database, you should export it from src/constants/permissions
By default the permission check is made by checking the UserRight
table (This function can me replace and changes as desired):
To implement restrictions you first have to define your rules and them apply them in the "shield" defined on top of your GraphQL schema. e.g.:
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